Saturday, September 18, 2010
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
the HiLo
A few Saturdays ago, Adam and I embarked on a 42 mile bike ride to Mt. Vernon, Ohio. I didn't really know who would be there, but it was something that Evolved Energy Solutions (Adam's Company) was supporting, so I knew it'd be a bunch of "greenies" - my term for those who support the green movement.
There's Zack, Adam's business partner in the blue below (we left before the big crowd because I was afraid we'd be so slow!)

The house that Doug built. The owner of the property restored this old log cabin. It was super cool.

There's Zack, Adam's business partner in the blue below (we left before the big crowd because I was afraid we'd be so slow!)

Let me tell you, it was a blasty! I had prepared to die during the 42 miles, but we had great weather and good company with some breaks, so those 4 and 1/2 hours flew by. Our destination was this awesome property with multiple restored buildings (e.g. farm house, barn, etc.). They had multiple kegs and hired people to roast a pig and bands! We camped, ate and listened to some good music.

Bacci ball anyone?
Adam snoozing.
Cool set up behind the house with a stage.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
why I'm excited...
Is because my photographer rocks. Lisa Kae Photography is the bomb. I love perusing her blog and I highly recommend. I cannot WAIT for our engagement photos and for the wedding photos. She's driving all of the way from MICHIGAN! But she's so worth it. She was the photographer for my dear friend Abby's wedding and just blew me away.
Check out her blog! Love. Love. Love.
Check out her blog! Love. Love. Love.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Com Fest is upon us!

Only two short weeks away and it's Com Fest! Short for Community Festival, this bash in Goodale Park sometimes gets a bad rap for the potential contact buzz and crowd it's started to attract; however, we tend to enjoy Com Fest and it's only a few blocks from our abode!
I give you my top 10 reasons I like Com Fest:
10. My dad (who loves any sort of concert outdoors) takes Friday off of work every single year and wears a straw hat with a Hawaiian shirt
9. When else can you buy giant beers and drink them in a park?
8. You'll see every walk of life there (and yes, painted boobies! Oh my...not mine, I promise)
7. It's a great excuse to have a party and last year it was our big house warming party (we kept saying, "we have to work and get the house done by Com Fest!")
6. Everyone has one Com Fest outfit that they only break out for such occasion; hippie skirts, tie dyed t-shirts and Birkenstocks, when else can you wear this stuff?
5. It supports the Community in which we live (and it's at the park where we'll be gettin' hitched in October!)
4. Fair food. Um, hello? Funnel cakes? Corn dogs? Fried snickers (and fried pretty much anything you can imagine)
3. It's three days long and all day long, you can't miss it!
2. My mom did her first keg stand ever a few years ago and held the house record...it was amazing, I hope she does it again this year (she will totally yell at me for posting this)
1. It's an excuse to get all of your friends and family together to feed them and serve beverages!
Saturday, June 12, 2010
feed the birds
One Saturday Adam woke up and wanted to go get bird feeders. Apparently he was feeling very charitable and birds were his mark. So we went on our bird feeder hunt, stopping at Wild Birds Unlimited (which is the expensive way to support bird lovers) and then Lowe's (which was clearly more economical).
As you can see, the tool belt is needed for any major household work.

These wiry deals don't hold the seed that well, p.s.

We strung them up high! and haven't refilled since.....
Thursday, June 10, 2010
the blue willow
If you ever happen to be in Social Circle, Georgia, you must stop at The Blue Willow. (Pronounced the blue "willah" if you're from South Georgia). It's everything you hoped it would be and more with regards to Southern Cooking. A few of my favorites include: fried green tomatoes, fried catfish, buttery pecan and cheese biscuits and pecan pie! Wedding, schmedding,I went to town.

Not only is the food heaven on a plate, but it's set in a historic house with rocking chairs on the front porch. Southern Belle in Training?
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Back In the Habit
I've got to! I am currently at this Conference and this great speaker this morning talked about social media and how it will only continue to grow and become ingrained in our lives! SO, I am recommitting myself to this blog (well, for now as I'm so fired up).
Wedding Updates and Debates!
My mother and I have been having "healthy discussions" or "heated debates" about certain traditions. For example, I don't want to throw a bouquet. I think it says "hey single gals, everyone stand there and be called out that you are in fact SINGLE." Boo, what a downer. Have you seen the Sex and the City where the bouquet smacks Miranda? That's how most of my friends will feel anywho. I say down with throwing the bouquet. Thoughts?
Also, another point of debate is eating. Has anyone been to a wedding where you eat immediately and not wait for the Bride and Groom? Our goal is to get to the party portion of the wedding as soon as possible, but I know some may feel uncomfortable if we're not there yet. What is proper? What will make people feel comfy, but still get to the party?
Lastly, favors. I know, it's a nice gesture. Honestly though, do people want to take home Hershey Kisses? Can't I just save that money we would have spent and donate it to a charity that needs it vs. people forgetting something on the table?
Oh, the debates. Advice is welcome!
Wedding Updates and Debates!
My mother and I have been having "healthy discussions" or "heated debates" about certain traditions. For example, I don't want to throw a bouquet. I think it says "hey single gals, everyone stand there and be called out that you are in fact SINGLE." Boo, what a downer. Have you seen the Sex and the City where the bouquet smacks Miranda? That's how most of my friends will feel anywho. I say down with throwing the bouquet. Thoughts?
Also, another point of debate is eating. Has anyone been to a wedding where you eat immediately and not wait for the Bride and Groom? Our goal is to get to the party portion of the wedding as soon as possible, but I know some may feel uncomfortable if we're not there yet. What is proper? What will make people feel comfy, but still get to the party?
Lastly, favors. I know, it's a nice gesture. Honestly though, do people want to take home Hershey Kisses? Can't I just save that money we would have spent and donate it to a charity that needs it vs. people forgetting something on the table?
Oh, the debates. Advice is welcome!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Gym Pet Peeves
Well, since the wedding is 5 months away, I really need to kick it in gear with the whole “looking good” thing. My excuse for eating was because I was in “training” for a half marathon. The race was completed Saturday (I was training, really!); so I’m out of excuses for eating poorly or having just one more beer. (Although, I actually got one of those things you get when you run… (a runners high I believe it’s called) on Saturday and I may be signing up for more pain). Isn’t it crazy that you pay $60+ dollars to run for 2 hours??? Not to mention all of the training hours. It’s so bizarre, yet, I get it.
Anywho, back to the gym again and trying to hit it hard. For those who know me, I’m a pretty friendly and outgoing gal. At the gym though, I do not want to talk to a soul. It’s my time and no one can take it from me. But unfortunately some people ruin it for me. Thus, I give you Abbe’s Top Five Gym Pet Peeves.
5. Stealing. (Not valuables in this case, but that sucks too), but when people steal your weights or whatever apparatus you’re using and they don’t ask. Clearly my bands, bosu ball, mat and free weights are strategically placed by my writing utensil and paper (yeah, I keep track) and within a 3 to 5 foot radius of me. I don’t mind if you use what I’m using, but to blatantly take my stuff is rude. Ask me, just ask!
4. Make up. Do you really need to put on make up? Aren’t you going to sweat it out eventually? Really?
3. Leaving your mark on the machines. The bottle of disinfectant is right there along with the paper towels (a little wasteful, but a worthy cause). Do you think I like getting on the elliptical when I can clearly see the sweat fest you just left me?
2. People who camp out. Maybe it’s just me, but I like to get in, sweat and then get the heck out. Who has two to three hours to spend at the gym? And you may be wondering, “how do you know that people are spending multiple hours in the gym?” I can just tell, they talk with the trainers and the other gym people; they talk to their friends and they all carry around gallons of water. I even saw someone (not a gym employee) eating…not just an energy bar, but like an entire packed lunch! You can't do that at home?
1. HAIR. I know, I am probably mean because I have blonde hair that seems to stay on my head when I’m getting ready in the morning, but you ladies with your dark hair and thinking that someone enjoys cleaning up the hair that you’ve strategically placed on the shower walls, I guarantee NO ONE likes that job. Wad it up and throw it out instead of making a mural on the wall. Gag.
I’m no saint and I’m sure people have pet peeves about me. I’m a sweaty, hot mess for sure, but in my defense, I do disinfect and try to have proper gym etiquette.
Till next time!
Anywho, back to the gym again and trying to hit it hard. For those who know me, I’m a pretty friendly and outgoing gal. At the gym though, I do not want to talk to a soul. It’s my time and no one can take it from me. But unfortunately some people ruin it for me. Thus, I give you Abbe’s Top Five Gym Pet Peeves.
5. Stealing. (Not valuables in this case, but that sucks too), but when people steal your weights or whatever apparatus you’re using and they don’t ask. Clearly my bands, bosu ball, mat and free weights are strategically placed by my writing utensil and paper (yeah, I keep track) and within a 3 to 5 foot radius of me. I don’t mind if you use what I’m using, but to blatantly take my stuff is rude. Ask me, just ask!
4. Make up. Do you really need to put on make up? Aren’t you going to sweat it out eventually? Really?
3. Leaving your mark on the machines. The bottle of disinfectant is right there along with the paper towels (a little wasteful, but a worthy cause). Do you think I like getting on the elliptical when I can clearly see the sweat fest you just left me?
2. People who camp out. Maybe it’s just me, but I like to get in, sweat and then get the heck out. Who has two to three hours to spend at the gym? And you may be wondering, “how do you know that people are spending multiple hours in the gym?” I can just tell, they talk with the trainers and the other gym people; they talk to their friends and they all carry around gallons of water. I even saw someone (not a gym employee) eating…not just an energy bar, but like an entire packed lunch! You can't do that at home?
1. HAIR. I know, I am probably mean because I have blonde hair that seems to stay on my head when I’m getting ready in the morning, but you ladies with your dark hair and thinking that someone enjoys cleaning up the hair that you’ve strategically placed on the shower walls, I guarantee NO ONE likes that job. Wad it up and throw it out instead of making a mural on the wall. Gag.
I’m no saint and I’m sure people have pet peeves about me. I’m a sweaty, hot mess for sure, but in my defense, I do disinfect and try to have proper gym etiquette.
Till next time!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Dress, check. Venues, check. Bridesmaids and dresses, check. Groomsmen, check. Color pallet, check. Flowers...almost there.
I'm so stoked to marry Adam and plan a party to celebrate. Flowers are cool, but going into the flower selection, I felt the same way as I was stepping into the Bridal Boutique for my dress. "Okay, this will be cool, but let's just find it and check it off the list." Leaving the store, I LOVED my dress and couldn't stop thinking about it and showing people.
This is kind of how the flowers are going....I was like "eh, okay, let's check it off the list." But I really enjoyed our first flower appointment today. Lots of people need flowers for this shin dig! I did do some research on theknot.com and found a few of these that I like....
I love the colors of this one, the fallish feel and how it's nice and compact, not too crazy. I've got some bling on my dress and don't want anything to take away from the blingage.
Since I don't have much going on in the color department with the bridesmaids dresses (they're wearing black) I really wanted some pops of color for the flowers. This one pops! (And it has tulips) which makes Adam very excited. In the Fall, right when it was about to freeze, Adam spent an entire evening planting tulips; there should be many (maybe 100?) that pop up in the Spring. He's so excited, I love it.
This one was labeled "modern" although I'm not sure why...it looks pretty frilly to me. I like the different colors though.
One more flower appointment this week and the decision will be made! Super duper excited.
I'm so stoked to marry Adam and plan a party to celebrate. Flowers are cool, but going into the flower selection, I felt the same way as I was stepping into the Bridal Boutique for my dress. "Okay, this will be cool, but let's just find it and check it off the list." Leaving the store, I LOVED my dress and couldn't stop thinking about it and showing people.
This is kind of how the flowers are going....I was like "eh, okay, let's check it off the list." But I really enjoyed our first flower appointment today. Lots of people need flowers for this shin dig! I did do some research on theknot.com and found a few of these that I like....
I love the colors of this one, the fallish feel and how it's nice and compact, not too crazy. I've got some bling on my dress and don't want anything to take away from the blingage.

One more flower appointment this week and the decision will be made! Super duper excited.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Tomato, Tux-ADO

Franck Eggelhoffer: Uh-oh, I bring the wrong color thread. I assumed you'd be wearing a black "tuxado."
George: It is a black "tuxado."
Franck Eggelhoffer: I don't think so, babe. This tux is "nuffy" blue. No doubt about it.
George: What're you talking about? Armani doesn't make a blue tuxedo.
Franck Eggelhoffer: Armani don't also make "polyaster."
If you haven't seen this movie yet and your planning a wedding, you should. Heck, it's so good, you don't even have to be thinking of matrimony to love this movie.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Vhading Planning! (Read “Wedding Planning” in Franck voice)
Well, I’ve never really considered myself a “girly girl.” I tried tap and jazz, even a hand at singing and acting back in the day, but then I found out A) I was tone deaf (scratch singing career…and without singing, might as well scratch acting) and B) I needed something to use up all of my hyper energy (various forms of dancing were not enough I guess). Thus, I became a jock. See ya later tball and any form of sport that required standing for periods of time and hello swimming, water polo and lacrosse. I needed something social and anti-ADD.
What does all of this have to do with wedding planning? I guess the Sporty Spiceness in me explains why I’ve never gotten too amped up about the Big Day? Falling in love, yes. Finding a bff (best friend forever) who loves me through thick and thin (and vice versa) and who makes me a better person, yes. Planning parties, yes, I LOVE parties. But getting super stressed out and worrying about providing people with a silly favor? No. Freaking out about shoes that my friends are wearing? Nope. Making sure that every person and family member in the world I know is happy for an 8 hour event? Geesh, really? Hence my approach to the wedding planning. I’m definitely trying to be laid back, but frankly, there are some things I don’t give a rats behind about…is that bad?
I plan on updating this thing with some plans and I am excited (of course) for this entire shebang, but I have to say, my mantra is “if at the end of the day, Adam and I are married, we’ve accomplished our goal” and the big bonus is that everyone had a great time. Oh, and that it was captured through glorious pictures…. Okay, maybe I’m not as laid back as I thought?
If you’re looking to get slightly offended, but have a good laugh, check out this hilarious blog - Brides Who Mean Business. You will definitely be offended or you will laugh your bum off. I did the latter.
What does all of this have to do with wedding planning? I guess the Sporty Spiceness in me explains why I’ve never gotten too amped up about the Big Day? Falling in love, yes. Finding a bff (best friend forever) who loves me through thick and thin (and vice versa) and who makes me a better person, yes. Planning parties, yes, I LOVE parties. But getting super stressed out and worrying about providing people with a silly favor? No. Freaking out about shoes that my friends are wearing? Nope. Making sure that every person and family member in the world I know is happy for an 8 hour event? Geesh, really? Hence my approach to the wedding planning. I’m definitely trying to be laid back, but frankly, there are some things I don’t give a rats behind about…is that bad?
I plan on updating this thing with some plans and I am excited (of course) for this entire shebang, but I have to say, my mantra is “if at the end of the day, Adam and I are married, we’ve accomplished our goal” and the big bonus is that everyone had a great time. Oh, and that it was captured through glorious pictures…. Okay, maybe I’m not as laid back as I thought?
If you’re looking to get slightly offended, but have a good laugh, check out this hilarious blog - Brides Who Mean Business. You will definitely be offended or you will laugh your bum off. I did the latter.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
All dogs go to....rehab?
Our baby boy had surgery right before Christmas. We always knew something wasn't quite right with his left hip when we picked him up at the shelter, but we thought he'd grow out of it. Unfortunately he grew right into hip dysplasia! We had a tough decision to make, but knew we didn't want our poor Jake to be in pain any longer.
We took him to Dr. Weale who works with Dr. Taylor at Healthy Pets of Wedgewood. They chopped the ball off of his leg (the thing that fits in the socket) and bam, no more pain! Well...surgery pain. AND rehab pain. The Dr. and Vet Techs have been SOOOO good with Jake. Probably because he just takes it. He's just sooo laid back.

We took him to Dr. Weale who works with Dr. Taylor at Healthy Pets of Wedgewood. They chopped the ball off of his leg (the thing that fits in the socket) and bam, no more pain! Well...surgery pain. AND rehab pain. The Dr. and Vet Techs have been SOOOO good with Jake. Probably because he just takes it. He's just sooo laid back.

He's manly; he rocks the pink.

The rehab folks came up with all kinds of fun contraptions for him to wear to work those muscles! He never used his left leg muscle really, so it was badly atrophied.

I'm pretty sure this was his least favorite thing. Sometimes you just have to hop on the treadmill, let the water rise up and run.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
From one project to the other...
Since the house is done-zo, we are on to more projects! The biggest one coming up is the BIG DAY. Some have said that this will be a stressful occasion...but honestly, I think renovating a house is a little scarier - more dollars, more unknowns, fewer experts in the market - when you wait until your late twenties, you've seen so many weddings and have so many connections that it becomes kind of (gulp and dare I say) easy.

A bird's eye view of COSI by the river.

What was super precious is that Adam knew exactly where he wanted us to tie the knot. Our beloved Goodale Park which is only a few blocks away is where we'll say the vows and then off to COSI, Columbus's science museum.
The gazebo where we'll stand.

COSI - the outside upper plaza.

We're excited :o)
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Just expanded our happyness!

Into Marriage! Yes, we are engaged and not under aged :o) In Aspen after Christmas, Adam proposed on the top of the mountain. Sandy Peak was the run and he completely surprised me. I thought we were going to take a picture with the breathtaking scenery. Instead, he pressed the record button on the camera, stumbled through the knee deep snow and then got down on his knee! I said yes of course and the best part is it's all captured on video. It was perfect. He could not have done it better or any other way. And the best part of it all is that I'll be spending the rest of my life with my best friend.

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