Only two short weeks away and it's Com Fest! Short for Community Festival, this bash in Goodale Park sometimes gets a bad rap for the potential contact buzz and crowd it's started to attract; however, we tend to enjoy Com Fest and it's only a few blocks from our abode!
I give you my top 10 reasons I like Com Fest:
10. My dad (who loves any sort of concert outdoors) takes Friday off of work every single year and wears a straw hat with a Hawaiian shirt
9. When else can you buy giant beers and drink them in a park?
8. You'll see every walk of life there (and yes, painted boobies! Oh my...not mine, I promise)
7. It's a great excuse to have a party and last year it was our big house warming party (we kept saying, "we have to work and get the house done by Com Fest!")
6. Everyone has one Com Fest outfit that they only break out for such occasion; hippie skirts, tie dyed t-shirts and Birkenstocks, when else can you wear this stuff?
5. It supports the Community in which we live (and it's at the park where we'll be gettin' hitched in October!)
4. Fair food. Um, hello? Funnel cakes? Corn dogs? Fried snickers (and fried pretty much anything you can imagine)
3. It's three days long and all day long, you can't miss it!
2. My mom did her first keg stand ever a few years ago and held the house record...it was amazing, I hope she does it again this year (she will totally yell at me for posting this)
1. It's an excuse to get all of your friends and family together to feed them and serve beverages!
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