Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Gym Pet Peeves

Well, since the wedding is 5 months away, I really need to kick it in gear with the whole “looking good” thing. My excuse for eating was because I was in “training” for a half marathon. The race was completed Saturday (I was training, really!); so I’m out of excuses for eating poorly or having just one more beer. (Although, I actually got one of those things you get when you run… (a runners high I believe it’s called) on Saturday and I may be signing up for more pain). Isn’t it crazy that you pay $60+ dollars to run for 2 hours??? Not to mention all of the training hours. It’s so bizarre, yet, I get it.

Anywho, back to the gym again and trying to hit it hard. For those who know me, I’m a pretty friendly and outgoing gal. At the gym though, I do not want to talk to a soul. It’s my time and no one can take it from me. But unfortunately some people ruin it for me. Thus, I give you Abbe’s Top Five Gym Pet Peeves.

5. Stealing. (Not valuables in this case, but that sucks too), but when people steal your weights or whatever apparatus you’re using and they don’t ask. Clearly my bands, bosu ball, mat and free weights are strategically placed by my writing utensil and paper (yeah, I keep track) and within a 3 to 5 foot radius of me. I don’t mind if you use what I’m using, but to blatantly take my stuff is rude. Ask me, just ask!

4. Make up. Do you really need to put on make up? Aren’t you going to sweat it out eventually? Really?

3. Leaving your mark on the machines. The bottle of disinfectant is right there along with the paper towels (a little wasteful, but a worthy cause). Do you think I like getting on the elliptical when I can clearly see the sweat fest you just left me?

2. People who camp out. Maybe it’s just me, but I like to get in, sweat and then get the heck out. Who has two to three hours to spend at the gym? And you may be wondering, “how do you know that people are spending multiple hours in the gym?” I can just tell, they talk with the trainers and the other gym people; they talk to their friends and they all carry around gallons of water. I even saw someone (not a gym employee) eating…not just an energy bar, but like an entire packed lunch! You can't do that at home?

1. HAIR. I know, I am probably mean because I have blonde hair that seems to stay on my head when I’m getting ready in the morning, but you ladies with your dark hair and thinking that someone enjoys cleaning up the hair that you’ve strategically placed on the shower walls, I guarantee NO ONE likes that job. Wad it up and throw it out instead of making a mural on the wall. Gag.

I’m no saint and I’m sure people have pet peeves about me. I’m a sweaty, hot mess for sure, but in my defense, I do disinfect and try to have proper gym etiquette.

Till next time!

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