Friday, January 6, 2012

I'm going to get back on this horse...

Because we have some exciting rides in 2012! Our first project that will be tackled this weekend is (finally) rehabilitating the basement. I love our house, but the basement is a large, black (and stinky) hole that we avoid like the plague. Jake enjoys it for his bathroom when he's mad at us for leaving the house. I begrudgingly do the laundry in the area, but hate every second (because it's a hole, not because it's laundry). Adam does his, I mean, wonderful, beer brewing in the bathroom of the basement. And because that toilet is never used, it loves to provide a pungent, sewer smell that mixes nicely with Jake's get the point. Operation Basement begins this weekend with demolition. Pictures to come.

You may ask why we are motivated to do the basement after 2 years of neglect...well, we need some additional space since the Partee family is expanding! We are expecting a little baby boy in the Spring (I'm destined to be surrounded by dudes) and we couldn't be more excited! I'm 5 and 1/2 months and outside of some all day nausea in the first trimester coupled with extreme tiredness, I feel pretty darn good. He's kicking around in my belly and it's such a surreal process. Thus, we're getting our act together to provide some play space for him (and Adam and Jake of course) and we need to have an alternative space for guests since the baby will take the guest room (now nursery).

All righty 2012, let's do this.

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