Last night as I was cooking dinner in our newish abode, a gentleman yelled out through the window from his convertible. Strange you may say; yes, at first. Then I recognized him as a friendly Vic Village neighbor, John. Long ago (a year ago today) when we purchased our home, the house next door was on the market. (Why it didn't sell for awhile was beyond me.... well, perhaps it was the fact that the house next to it had no windows and had battering ram's possible). John and I shared a conversation as he was touring the home next door. He had toured our home prior to our purchase and recalls walking through with a flashlight since there was no working electricity. He had seen our house at it's ABSOLUTE worst. Nasty urine carpet, boarded up windows, no kitchen, just plain ugly and smelly. However, John happens to be on the Victorian Village Tour of Home and Gardens committee and asked us if we'd like to show our house!

This is the 35th anniversary of the
Tour of Homes and they are looking for people who have renovated their homes in our fabulous area. We were quite flattered because they choose a select few each year to have folks buy tickets and walk through the houses with unique stories (which we definitely have).
Although quite flattered, we're in quite a conundrum. We'd love to showcase what we've been slaving over for a year but....we're not completely finished. I expect that the houses on display are decorated immaculately and well, let's be honest, we have a kitchen table, one chair, a borrowed love seat, a tv (sans cable, I miss BRAVO!) on a saw horse contraption and a doggie crate. Not exactly prime decor here. We'd have to giddy up and decorate, landscape and get the basement in decent order by September. All requiring time, moolah and help. Ah... we thought we'd coast, but yet again, we may be crazy.
We have some time to decide (thank goodness), but we'll keep you posted if we decide to embark on phase 2 of this house madness. Can our little town house cut it with these big beautiful Victorians? What do you think?