Thanks to our friends Andy and April, they let us know about this little gem that is 148 Price Avenue. We heard words like "bank owned" and "foreclosure" and thought yessssss, this could be a winner. Erin, our fearless realtor and high school swimming buddy from the days of yore, took us to the place and with her honest little self, warned us and said "this house will change your life." Why you may ask? Well, before we stepped foot inside, we had heard many stories about how this place became so cheap. Drug dealing, SWAT raids and unruly dogs were just some of the rumors - which proved to be true. The house had been vacant for almost an entire year and it looked liked someone wanted to flip it, but quit. Investors were drooling over this nicely priced place and said, no problem, it's an easy fix and sell. Realtors were popping up out of the woodwork. It all happened so fast....
We deliberated for a whole 24 hours after seeing the house; I had flown to Atlanta for work and from the Wyndam Hotel front desk, with shaking hands, I faxed in our offer. The next day we found out that someone else had bid on the house and we had the weekend (it was Friday at the time) to put in a blind bid. Yes, blind. We decided on something that just may work and Monday I received the best (and maybe also the worst) call - we had won.

Oh yeah...and we had to replace the roof - hence the blue tarp.
The windows were busted out during a SWAT raid. Replacing glass, no problem! can't do that with Pella Windows - you have to order the entire freaking thing. For four months we worked in a boarded up house and tried to forget the other rumors that bums had taken refuge there the previous winter...
Our little saving grace - you have to admit, our little courtyard is pretty cool. We were fortunate enough to get the corner lot with the courtyard for privacy and a side yard for our future puppy. The mower is there for a purpose! Just ask the bum that Adam paid $5 to mow the side yard!
So within a week, we started on our journey that was our new house. We thought, 6 months tops, this baby is going to be great. 9 months later, we're not in yet.....but it's been quite a ride and one day we'll look back and laugh.
goodness gracious, sakes alive! I am so happy that you've started this blog! It will be so wonderful to read about your wonderful home and the life you're building inside of it. I can't wait to visit! love~jessica