Last evening was an evening we have been waiting for.... I met Tong at the best happy hour spot ever - Bodega and then leisurely strolled back home to find a cozy couch, a lazy dog and a fabu boyfriend, armed with popcorn, Skittles and recorded movies on the HD DVR!
Although I've blocked out most of the bad times we had with this house renovation, I did go through some "before" pictures and found these lovely pictures of the evening the ceiling came down.
I came home from a business trip and found this awaiting me.... I was a little, um, distraught (hence arms crossed with scowl that you can't see so well).
But it was all worth it. Check it out now.... Beautiful white wood work (thank you Kaye). The mantel was custom built by Dan our Door man, the couch (see previous post), our diggity dawg and tiled fireplace (thank you Nick).
The hunt for a coffee table and chair to complete the living area is on!